
Utilising the latest in technology, Satake’s mechanical and electronic (colour) sorting systems for seed cleaning improve overall product quality by removing contaminants such as stones, sticks, glass, and mud, as well as discoloured, damaged, infected or immature seeds. 

Satake also offer solutions for seed coating, clover polishing, weighing and packing.

  • • Intake Drum Sieve

    • Centrifugal 'Rapid' Sifters

    • Rotary Sifter ST

    • Milling Separator

    • Westrup Products

  • • Clipper/Debearder

    • Westrup Products

  • • Leg Aspirator

    • Closed Circuit Aspirator

    • Cascade Aspirator

  • • SGA-A Gravity Selector

    • Oliver Products

  • • Length Grader

  • • SGA-B Destoner